Monday, June 30, 2008


Oh my what can I say about Hunter!!! He is a pest in all meaning of the word. He even pesters me when he is far enough away that I can't reach him or catch him. He still is very happy and tends to be a little quieter then most boys his age until he is really comfortable with you. Now I know all of you must be thinking that Hunter was so happy that I was pregnant with a boy but that was not the case. He wanted me to have a girl so he would be the only one- What a toot!!! He has gotten over it and loves his little bubba so much and was one of the first ones to get him to laugh. Of course we all were laughing because of the faces he was making- he is quite dorky. He gets it from his dad. Hunter loves scouts and in our homeschooling day he is one "little passing of fool", I think he wants the whole wolf book done in one week. School is very easy for Hunter. he loves to memorize and is on his 8th Article of Faith. He did 1-8 in about 3 weeks and then we had to stop school to pack and move so he is very excited to get busy with school again. He also wants to do voice lessons and is a very good singer. Me and my little dude love to sing Keith Urban together and it is not uncommon to find him singing away in a corner with his dads Ipod on full blast. While he was in piano his teacher told us that he was very gifted and could go far with his natural abilities so we really want to get him started again. There has been few things that Hunter has started that he isn't great at. I really think it has a lot to do with him always been one of the quiet ones in the class or lesson so he listens really good. He really stepped up while Michael was in Arizona and took his place as the man of the house and took care of me. He always made sure I had a bottle of water, doors were always opened for me, carried my purse or bag or anything I had and made sure all the doors were locked at night. He is my little man, thank goodness I love him or I would have to kill him sometimes!


Kaitlyn is 10 this year and will be in 5th grade. She is starting to like school, I think. Ha! Ha! She is just very creative and would rather spend the time making her own creations or thinking of a better way of teaching something. She is thoughtful and when she is in the right mood you can get her to do anything. Brigg already has her wrapped around his little finger. More often then not Kaitlyn has him for an hour or so before he goes to bed because she just loves to hold him and change him and put on Baby Einstein for him. He just melts into her arms and can get him calmed down in seconds. She definitely loves him and I really think the feeling is mutual. Last year we had Kaitlyn tested because she was having trouble with reading. A lot of her symptoms were like that of Dyslexia but they found out she had an Audio Processing problem. There was a program that she was in while we were in Utah and it did wonders. Within 1 year she jump 4 levels in reading and she was soooo happy! We also had Bailee test as she had similar symptoms and they both were almost identical in the test results. They said that even in families it is uncommon to have that similar of results. Both scored low in there audio processing and really high in IQ. They told us that if their IQ were not as high as they were they probably would have been held back. This program will make it so they can learn like everyone else and they could easily progress faster than normal. Talking with family recently I really think that they took after their dad (he has all the symptoms too) and their Aunt Sarah. Luckily we have more things out there now to help our precious kids so they don't have to suffer like we did. Kaitlyn is also very interested in singing and will be taking voice lessons along with piano. She has even shown some interest in violin, all we have to do is find someone to teach her. Should be a really great year for her!!!!


This is Bailee and Abby being dorks as usual!!
Bailee Boo is so a tweeny. She wants to do all the things teenagers do but still has the innocence to play dolls with her little sisters. She is still my little helper. I can always count on her when I need help. I know this too will pass but I will enjoy it until the end. She loves her baby Brigg and is really quite great with him. She to is write a book this year but has not yet told me about it. I actually had to read her blog to get the scoop on it--geez! Unlike Mikayla, Bailee has no reservations about homeschooling. She loves to learn and likes the flexibility homeschooling gives her. She sometimes just picks up her school books and works for hours upon hours on them. She is in the very easy stage of homeschooling because of her eagerness. I keep asking her what language she wants to learn and it is always French. She is killing me! I try to convince her that Spanish would be more useful, but she insists that she is going to go to France on her mission so she needs to learn it now. Oy Vey! She is also very excited about dance and taking some kind of tumbling or cheer. Mikayla always is making fun of Bailee because she is the "cheerleader type" and Bailee just says "Don't hate me because I'm Beautiful!!" She is so fun but knows cheer leading is for the graceful and that she is not. That girl trips on her shadow at least 2 times a day. I think she will be taking voice lessons this year along with piano (all the kids are required to take piano by dads request). She loves to sing and we have a great time Karaoking. I can always count on her to make me feel better. I think its funny that with Bailee I can see the stages of life slowly come with her. Mikayla steamrollers through stages.


Well what can I say about Mikayla. She is officially a teenager---13!! And is already so go at being one! Go figure! She is so confident and smart that sometimes I just wish she was 3 again! Then I remember her at 3 and I just take a deep breathe and say "All phases come to and end"!! Enough raggin on her she is really the best! We have gotten so much closer in the past 2 or 3 years and it has made me so happy. We enjoy alot of the same things and have the same sense of humor. I consider her one of my best friends and really feel she is going to grow up and be one amazing woman-- WATCH OUT WORLD!! She has the ability to do anything she sets her mind to, it has nothing to do with how stubborn she is (I say this as I roll my eyes). I don't know where she gets it!!! She has decided to write a book and has a pretty good start on. Get ready for the bestsellers list. She really enjoys reading, swimming and is looking forward to starting dance within the next month. This year during school she wants to continue piano lessons and maybe start guitar. She is really looking forward to school this year. She is excited about her classes she will be taking at the public school. She is hot and cold about homeschooling but it is very important to me and she knows I am doing this out of love and only want the best for her. With the socializing she will get with her classes at public school, she is alot more excited about homeschooling. She likes homeschooling it is just the friends thing as it is with all teenagers and with only 8 Young Women total at church that is just not enough to supplement.


Well last week I turned 31!!! Now I have to say "I'm in my 30's!" not just "I"m 30". There is a difference you know. It was a great week! Went out with the girls on Friday to BJ'S Brewery-very yummO!! Kenra and I would have licked our plates but we were to full!!! (The sauce on our chicken was kickin') Definitely feeling my body's age which makes me really excited about getting the thumbs up on getting back to the gym. I really liked how I felt before my pregnancies (the last 2) when Michael got me a personal trainer for Mothers Day. I felt strong and had a ton of energy, so much that I could out go the kids. I learned a ton during that time so I am ready.

Like I said early I don't really know the format I am going to use for my blog because I have so many things I want to follow. I want to start a Biggest Loser link within my blog but to many of my friends are PREGNANT! And not me for once!

Than I want to follow our families school year. Our school name is Creative Tigers and the mascott is a baby tiger. We are really excited about this next school year even though it brings many knew challenges. Mikayla and Bailee will be taking 1 or 2 classes at the jr high and Chloee is chomping at the bit to learn to read. She is constantly asking me "Whats this word?" so we are going to slowly get her started.

I am thinking also about taking a class at Chandler Gilbert Community College for Photography and Computers. Along that note on bettering myself, I really what to find a worthy cause for our little school to volunteer at 1 or 2 a month. I am looking into age requirements for Habitat for Humanity right now because I think everyone should have a home or their own.

That all being said I am going to be starting something with my year supply store?????? I don't know yet exactly??? We really want to get it started by January of next year but it depends on how much of me there is left at the end of the day.

I almost forgot!!! We have a new addition to our family- Cody!! Cody is one of my real brothers. He is here from Iowa and works with Michael for right now. He is 23 and when I get a good picture of him I'll put it up. If you are wondering how that happen here the 411. Around the beginning of April I got a phone call. Chad, the brother just younger than me, calls me up and says " Do you know who this is?" I knew instantly and without thinking said, "This is my brother Chad!!!" (I was freaking out at this point because I have been looking for him for about 5 years) Well Bailee was standing right next to me and said, "Your Brother????" So I proceeded to throw her out of my room while I rammbled on to Chad. The next 8 Hours consisted of about 3 more phone calls from 3 other brother Louie, Cody and JD all lasting about 2 hours each. In between each of these calls I was calling Michael and trying to update him and also try to keep my kids out of my room. Oi Vey!! Well I made it through that day with the biggest smile on my face, it actually hurt that night! Needless to say I had to explain to my children what was going on so they now know about my birth mother Jayne. They all knew who she was but at that point they thought she was my sister. (I know so Jerry Springer but it worked) They all took it quite well and I will put each of their reactions in their updates. I just thought I would right this down while I was thinging about it, here is all my brothers and sisters so when I talk about them you can refer back to approximate ages (I don't know some of them exactly) I'll put their Dads by them if I know

Daniel-32 ?
Angie-31 ?
Louie-31 (Step Brother) Gary Brittain
Chad- 27 ?
Cody- 23 Gary Brittain
JD- 21 Gary Brittain
Ashley 19 Filo Ochoa
Danny- 17 Jackie
Lynette-15 Jackie
Emily- 14 Jackie
Kimmie- 12 ?
Logan- 8 ?
Oxceedee-6 ?
Azerie- 5 ?

There could be more that we don't know about. Chad lives in California and loves it there. Cody will be with us until he wants to leave. JD will be moving in with Chad this summer. And Kimmie lives with her adopted family (who is the best by the way) the Hurst. They only live less than a mile away and we plan on doing many great big family things together. My girls and Kimmie fit together like peas in a pod.

Enough about me!!!


We will just start with the head honcho. As you all know Michael has been here for the past 6 or 7 months working while we still lived in Utah. He has been very busy and loving it-well sort of. For those of you who don't know, he has 4 herniated discs in his back that cause him a lot of pain. At first he couldn't even lift up Chloee and that is pretty bad. He has been working through the pain and is really looking forward to being able to work out again. Other than that same old same old with Michael.

June 30th

Okay, I'm doing it!! I am finally starting my blog. My kids have been on me to get it done. I haven't been busy or anything- having a baby, moving, getting ready for school and adding another family to our household other than Brigg(more on that later). It's just i'm and all or nothing girl and I don't even have a camera!!! My mom lost her charger for her camera so all I have is my phone. Oh well, I am making do. I haven't decided the layout of my blog yet so it will probably change alot in the next while.

I guess I better just jump in and get everyone updated.

Blair Family

Some updated Pics